The maxims of Jesus Christ and the examples of His life are not misleading: they produce their fruit in due time (II:316).
Quote of the Day
Never do anything out of human respect (II:315).
Quote of the Day
God's Divine Goodness asks that we never do good in any place to make ourselves look important (II:315).
Quote of the Day
Good work, sooner or later speaks a much more favorable language than anything done for one's own ostentation and show (II:311).
Quote of the Day
If necessity urges us to make haste, then let it be slowly (II:310).
Quote of the Day
The way to make a tree grow very tall is to lop off its branches (II:310).
Quote of the Day
This Company, like Our Lord, takes spiritual and temporal care of the sick poor (II:306).
Quote of the Day
God has preserved you as the apple of His eye (II:290).
Quote of the Day
Would that God had rendered us worthy of spending our lives, as Our Lord did, for the salvation those poor souls so far removed from all assistance (II:288).
Quote of the Day
When His Holiness chooses to send the Company to those countries, it will drop everything and go most willingly (II:288).