Daily Reflection – November 28

“Even though you are unaware of it, Our Lord will not fail to sanctify you if you remain faithful to Him.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Keep me faithful to you, today, Lord in everything I do, think, or say.

Daily Reflection – November 27

“A Sister of Charity’s Rule of Life should be for her what wings are to a bird– motive force without weight.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, we all need direction or a rule of life. May these structures provide us with a sure and...

Quote of the Day – November 27

To conform ourselves in everything to the will of God, and to take all our pleasure in this is to lead a truly angelic life upon earth, and even to live the very life of Jesus Christ (XII:389).

Daily Reflection – November 26

“Let us accustom ourselves to entreat rather than command; to instruct more by example than by precept.” – St. Louise de Marillac – Heavenly Father, may my influence for good be felt more by my example than by my words.