Daily Reflection – December 12

“Clothe yourselves with the dispositions which animated your Master. When he approached a sick person, it was always in the name of the Father, and by the virtue of the Holy Spirit: thus, you should always bring with you the goodness and tenderness, the love and...

Quote of the Day – December 12

How true it is that a person must be called by God in order to be stable in any vocation whatsoever; otherwise there is nothing but wavering and inconstancy (XIIIb:333).

Daily Reflection – December 11

“Never be hurried by anything whatsoever, and nothing can be more pressing than the necessity for your peace before God – commit everything to him that passes thro’ your hands; you will help others more by the peace and tranquility of your heart than...

Quote of the Day – December 11

I ask Our Lord in his goodness to deign to animate you with His true Spirit, so that everything you do and say may be to render Him the service He expects of you (XIIIb:295).

Daily Reflection – December 10

“I have always shunned performing good deeds in one place to gain credit in another.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Heavenly Lord, preserve me from that way of the world which is always seeking its own gain for actions performed for...