Daily Reflection – December 22

“While I warn you of your faults, my own come before my eyes!” – St. Vincent de Paul – Whenever I must correct anyone, Lord, keep before me my own faults and let me do it in the same way I myself would like to be treated.

Quote of the Day – December 21

While Christ recommends the simplicity of a dove He tells us to have the prudence of a serpent as well… this means that we should speak and behave with discretion (XIIIb:435).

Daily Reflection – December 21

“Let us leave to God our justification.” – St. Louise de Marillac – When I am unjustly criticized, instead of becoming defensive about it, I will leave the justification to you, Lord.

Daily Reflection – December 20

“God is very good to tolerate me!” – St. Vincent de Paul – How long will it take, Lord, for me to realize that your love for me is unconditional! I am grateful for your presence within me.