Daily Reflection

“I have observed that any good resolutions or exercises begun at the recurring period of our birthday are more seriously impressed upon the mind, when we reflect that a birthday on earth more easily transfers our thoughts to the birthday of our future...

Quote of the Day

God uses the most inferior materials for the extraordinary workings of His grace (XI:10).

Daily Reflection

“What God asks of us in particular is to have great care to serve the poor, who are our Lords. Oh yes! They are our Masters.” (CCD 9:97) – St. Vincent de Paul – O God, teach me how to serve the poor with great tenderness and compassion,...

Quote of the Day

Don’t think that it’s a small thing to be devoted to the relief of those in distress (XI:17).

Daily Reflection

“God makes use of the humblest instruments, for the extraordinary operation of His grace.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Loving Father, I believe you can do all things. Make me a worthy instrument of your grace so that the good you want done for...