Daily Reflection – January 9

“When in charity we feel we must give some spiritual counsel, we must never be so egotistical as to expect a hungry man, or one distracted by worry over the rent to listen to our words about God until we have helped to relieve his misery.” – Bl....

Daily Reflection – January 8

“Though the doctor is a member of the staff, he has need of your intelligent and devoted cooperation.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Heavenly Father, it is so important in this day and age for physicians and staff to work as a team. Keep me mindful...

Quote of the Day – January 7

We must not let difficulties shake us; the glory of the Eternal Father and the efficacy of the Word and Passion of His Son are at stake (XI:366).

Daily Reflection – January 7

“Oh! How beautiful and consoling the name of Mary is!” – St. Catherine Laboure – Mary, you are always ready to obtain the graces I need, if I but ask for them. Keep me faithful to my commitments and teach me how to live a humble, simple...