Quote of the Day – January 29

I pray that His Divine Goodness may accompany you, be your consolation along the way, your shade against the heat of the sun, your shelter in rain and cold, your soft bed in your weariness, your strength in your toil and finally, that He may bring you back in perfect...

Daily Reflection – January 28

“Human passions and weaknesses are never extinct, but they cannot triumph in a heart possessed by peace. She is lovely; make acquaintance with her. She will not be angry that you neglected her so long.” – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – When I feel...

Daily Reflection – January 27

“Our Lord has no use for our knowledge or our good works if He does not possess our heart; and even this heart He does not wish if we do not give it to Him when He asks.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, I offer you my heart today; take it and...