Daily Reflection

“Even though you are unaware of it, Our Lord will not fail to sanctify you if you remain faithful to Him.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Keep me faithful to you, today, Lord in everything I do, think, or say.

Quote of the Day

How beautiful it is to see poor people if we consider them in God and with the esteem in which Jesus Christ held them (XI:26).

Daily Reflection

“A Sister of Charity’s Rule of Life should be for her what wings are to a bird– motive force without weight.” (CCD 10:79) – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, we all need direction or a rule of life. May these structures provide us with a...

Quote of the Day

We are to run to the spiritual needs of our neighbor as if we were running to a fire (XI:25).

Daily Reflection

“Let us accustom ourselves to entreat rather than command; to instruct more by example than by precept.” (SW:682) – St. Louise de Marillac – Heavenly Father, may my influence for good be felt more by my example than by my...