Quote of the Day – June 9

When I said that you must be unwavering as to the end and gentle as to the means, I am describing to you the soul of good leadership (II:403).

Daily Reflection – June 9

“Allow yourself to be led by His fatherly love, for He does love us and is far from rejecting a righteous man; He will not even abandon a wicked man who hopes in His mercy.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Heavenly Father, the only thing I can be sure...

Quote of the Day – June 8

Do not be constrained by the majority opinion. Chose the one that seems best to you, or your own, provided you give an account of this (II:403).

Daily Reflection – June 8

“Our good God knows how to knock the pride out of us.” – St. Louise de Marillac – Dear God, don’t let me become proud or complacent about my achievements. In everything, teach me to be humble and acknowledge that of myself I can’t...

Daily Reflection – June 7

“The work of Our Lord is dependent less upon many workers, than upon the fidelity of the few He calls.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, you know my many human weaknesses and inability to do anything good without your help. Make me strong in faith...