Daily Reflection – September 2

“Men are so constituted that even the holiest are disposed to contradict each other.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Keep far away from me, O Lord, the desire to argue and contradict others. When I do fail, give me the grace to be the first to...

Daily Reflection – September 1

“We belong to God by his grace. What else do we wish, then, but to please him? If we are contradicted, this is not surprising; what merit is there in not being crossed? And who is there that can escape it? For every little contradiction, should one stop doing...

Quote of the Day – September 1

We should take as a maxim never to be surprised at current difficulties, no more than at a passing breeze, because with a little patience we shall see them disappear. Time changes everything (III:382).

Quote of the Day – August 31

May He who has set you apart to instruct His people in salvation maintain your flock in doing good and preserve your Church without stain or wrinkle under your guidance (III:377).