Quote of the Day

The Little Company strives to serve persons who are poor, the well-beloved of God (XI:349).

Daily Reflection

“God is very good to tolerate me!” (CCD 1:34) – St. Louise, writing to St. Vincent de Paul – How long will it take, Lord, for me to realize that your love for me is unconditional! I am grateful for your presence within me.

Quote of the Day

Let us acknowledge before God that the poor are our lords and masters and that we are unworthy of rendering them our little services (XI:349).

Daily Reflection

“Beg God to grant us a genuine spirit of mercy which is the spiritual characteristic of God.” (CCD 11:308) – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, when I am tempted to be stubborn and unrelenting, remind me of the times you showed boundless mercy in...

Quote of the Day

The ways of God are incomprehensible and hidden from the eyes of humans, who can’t understand them (XI:337).