Quote of the Day – October 2

Spiritual men rise above covetousness and master it to the point of depriving themselves voluntarily of their own satisfactions, but only with difficulty do they succeed in truly loving the hurt that comes to them from others. (IV:55).

Daily Reflection – October 2

“As I myself am a great sinner, I cannot reject those who have sinned if they have good will.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, you have told me that I must forgive my brothers and sisters, as you have forgiven me. Forgive the stubbornness and...

Quote of the Day – October 1

Our principal aim is the instruction of the country people, and the service we render to the ecclesiastical state is merely accessory to that (IV:48).

Daily Reflection – October 1

“God bestows a special blessing on the counsel we take in matters pertaining to his service.” – St. Vincent de Paul – When I need help, Lord, don’t let my pride stand in the way of freely seeking the counsel I need.

Daily Reflection – September 30

“Instead of measuring your difficulties with your strength you must measure them with the powerful help you have a right to expect from God.” – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Often I fail to realize that I am never alone to cope with my problems. I...