Daily Reflection – November 1

“Insensibility prevents us from being touched at the sight of the corporal and spiritual wretchedness of our neighbor; it leaves us without charity, without zeal, unmoved at the offenses committed against God.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Give me,...

Quote of the Day – November 1

I ask God to give you a twofold share of His Spirit: the first share to unite you to Him, to act in His holy presence and for love of Him; and the other, for the guidance of the souls entrusted to you (IV:220).

Quote of the Day – October 31

I ask Our Lord to redouble your strength, to sustain you with the essence of His Spirit, to gladden you with the hope of His glory and the success of your work, and to fill the family with peace and confidence in His divine guidance (IV:214).

Daily Reflection – October 31

“Do you think this will discredit you? We would have to keep ourselves shut up in a box not to be exposed to some annoyance or other!” – St. Vincent de Paul – O Father, sometimes I am overly sensitive about the opinions of others. Never let...

Daily Reflection – October 30

“Though for a time we may have yielded to temptation, let us now take courage and conquer the enemy by doing violence to self.” – St. Vincent de Paul Forgive me, Lord, for the times I have yielded to temptation and sinned. Knowing that you love me so...