Daily Reflection – January 13

“You will be judged not on efficiency and success, though these must be sought for, but on love; and your professional work must be the channel through which you express your love.” – Rev. Joseph Jamet, C.M. – Lord, your ways are not my ways....

Quote of the Day – January 13

Act like those good pilots who, finding themselves tossed about by the storm, redouble their courage and turn the prow of their ships against the most furious waves of the sea, which seem to rise to engulf them (V:211).

Quote of the Day – January 12

I cannot restrain myself and must tell you quite simply that this gives me renewed, greater desires to be able, in the midst of my petty infirmities, to go and finish my life near a bush, working in some village. I think I would be very happy to do so, if God were...

Daily Reflection – January 12

“Aid the sick in a constructive way and call upon their cooperation.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Sometimes sick people fail to cooperate because they are afraid or disturbed by their lack of control over their situation. Help me, Lord, to be a...