Daily Reflection – February 15

“It requires fortitude to be silent concerning personal ills and fatigue.” – St. Vincent de Paul – When I am tempted to relate every detail about my personal problems, Lord, help me to keep them to myself, realizing that others must deal with...

Quote of the Day – February 14

God sometimes allows these great disturbances, which unsettle the most secure States, to remind earthly sovereigns that they are answerable to His kingship and are just as dependent as their own subjects (V:449-450).

Daily Reflection – February 14

Writing to encourage establishment of conferences in Siena: “You have rich children, O My Father, what a useful and beneficial lesson and how strengthening to enervated hearts to show them the poor; that is, to show them Jesus Christ not only in images painted...

Daily Reflection – February 13

“Work quietly, without attracting notice.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, when I find myself wanting to be excessively noticed or appreciated, I will find peace in knowing your love for me is unconditional.