Quote of the Day – March 2

You will merit just as much by patiently awaiting the Master’s will as by doing it when it is made known to you, since you are ready for anything– ready to leave, ready to remain (V:528-529).

Quote of the Day – March 1

I praise God for the zeal with which your workers are laboring and for the other graces He bestows on them and, through them, on the people. I ask His Infinite Goodness to grant them the strength of body and mind needed for such an important and arduous ministry as...

Daily Reflection – March 1

“To commit ourselves to Him for strength and refuge is the only relief from thoughts which would overpower the mind that did not resist them.” – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Lord, teach me how to let go and trust you, so my faith can grow and my...

Daily Reflection – February 28

“Have foresight when tending your patients; anticipate their needs.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Whether or not my work directly involves the sick, I know, Lord, the only way to anticipate the needs of others is to put myself in their place. Help...