Quote of the Day – April 15

May God be pleased to strengthen you with His grace so that, by sanctifying your soul more and more, He will also sanctify, through it, the souls of the people (VI:257).

Quote of the Day – April 14

I ask Our Lord, whom you serve so effectively, to be Himself your strength so that you may sustain with vigor and merit the exterior and interior trials you are undergoing and receive the reward promised to those who persevere. This reward is so precious that, in...

Daily Reflection – April 14

“Reputation is but an empty bubble when it is not founded on truth, and when established on this basis, it has nothing to fear.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, it isn’t easy to be totally honest and truthful in today’s world. Help me...

Quote of the Day – April 13

If there is any good in us and in our manner of living, it comes from God, and it is up to God to manifest it, if he thinks it advisable. As for us, however, we are poor, ignorant, sinful men, who should keep ourselves hidden, as being useless for any good and...

Daily Reflection – April 13

“Who are we to believe that we should be exempt from public calamities? Is it not reasonable that we should suffer with the rest?” – St. Louise de Marillac – O God, times of trouble are inevitable. How easy it is to forget that those times can...