Daily Reflection – April 28

“I am asking Our Lord that He Himself lead you by the hand.” – St. Vincent de Paul – As a parent gently leads a child on the right path, so you, Lord, lead me. I am grateful for the care you take of me and of those in my...

Quote of the Day – April 27

A weathercock is no more subject to the way the wind blows than the mind of man is to exterior agitations, by which he is drawn now to one side and then to another; God permits this to try good persons and to strengthen them in Him (VI:449).

Daily Reflection – April 27

“As only a great necessity would make us decide to give remedies to a sick person in a violent attack of fever, so we should not generally reprove anyone at the very time they commit a fault.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Father, when I have been...

Quote of the Day – April 26

God be blessed for having willed all earthly things to be uncertain and perishable so that we may seek in Him alone the stability of our plans and affairs because things then turn out well for us (VI:439).