Daily Reflection

“Sloth begets sin in the soul and disease in the body.” (SW 587) – St. Louise de Marillac – Lord, never let my own ease or selfishness come before fulfillment of my obligations to family or to you.

Daily Reflection

“Grace has its moments. Let us abandon ourselves to the providence of God and be very careful not to run ahead of it.” (CCD 2:499) – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, I want to make every moment of the present count. Create in me a great...

Quote of the Day

My intention is always to call you brothers… that’s the term Our Lord used with his Apostles (XII:18).

Daily Reflection

“Without prayer, I should be of little service.” (CW 1:259) – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Before beginning my work today, I will take a few moments to reflect and listen to you speaking within me.