Daily Reflection

“The past is no longer in our power; the present is in our power, but the future is not. Let us take the opportunity of giving ourselves utterly and completely to God.” – St. Catherine Laboure – Heavenly Father, I want so much to give up my...

Quote of the Day

Missioners are those who have God alone in view, their own salvation and that of their neighbor; those who have no other attachment than the one that unites them more closely to God (XII:23).

Daily Reflection

“Be watchful that nothing in your use be damaged or spoiled.” (CCD 13a:441) – St. Vincent de Paul – Heavenly Father, create in me a careful spirit that I may treat with respect whatever is mine to use, because ultimately it belongs to the...

Quote of the Day

God is with the simple and humble; He assists them, blesses their work, blesses their undertakings (XII:21).