Daily Reflection – August 15

“Our Lord will counsel you what to do.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Where would I be, Lord, without your presence within me? You are always there, ready to counsel and guide me. All I have to do is ask!

Quote of the Day – August 15

Our vocation binds us to follow Our Lord, it obliges us also to renounce ourselves, that is, our will, our judgment, our pleasures, property, relatives, etc (VIII:126).

Daily Reflection – August 14

“Our love of God is always opposed by our self-love, our love of one another by the miserable pride and pretension which creates jealousy, rash judgment and the pitiful dislikes and impatience which so often trouble us and wound charity.” – St....

Daily Reflection – August 13

“While we dilly-dally with our plans, God raises up others to do what he had first asked of us.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Sometimes, Lord, I am so prone to procrastinate, especially over unpleasant issues. Give me the courage to act today in one...