Daily Reflection

“Our Lord has no use for our knowledge or our good works if He does not possess our heart; and even this heart He does not wish if we do not give it to Him when He asks.” (CCD 7:483) – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, I offer you my heart today;...

Quote of the Day

The Church has no worse enemies than priests. It is through priests that heretics have prevailed, vice has reigned, and ignorance has set up its throne among the poor people (XII:76).

Daily Reflection

“The conversion of a soul is not a thing done once and for all – this conversion, our conversion must take place daily. Every day we must direct our soul anew towards God and make it pass from the demands of nature to the call of grace.” –...

Quote of the Day

How much our hearts should be on fire with love for this ministry of assisting poor people and for devoting ourselves earnestly to it because the need is so great and God expects this of us (XII:73).

Daily Reflection

“I am asking Our Lord that we may die to ourselves in order to rise with him. May he be the joy of your heart, the end and soul of your actions, and your glory in heaven.” (CCD 3:616) – St. Vincent de Paul – I must die to my selfish, sinful...