Daily Reflection – December 6

“Indiscreet zeal is not good– people often spoil good works by rushing ahead and by acting according to their own inclinations which, contrary to common sense, make them think that the good they see to be done is feasible and timely, although this is not...

Quote of the Day – December 5

How much our hearts should be on fire with love for this ministry of assisting poor people and for devoting ourselves earnestly to it because the need is so great and God expects this of us (XII:73).

Daily Reflection – December 5

“I must jog along the allotted path through all its windings and weariness until it brings me home where all tears shall be wiped away, and sorrow and sighing be heard no more. In the meanwhile, Courage!” – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – My way to...

Quote of the Day – December 4

Our mission is to make God known to poor persons; to announce Jesus Christ to them; to tell them that the kingdom of heaven is at hand and that it is for persons who are poor (XII:71).

Daily Reflection – December 4

“Raise your soul to God and listen to what He will tell you on the subject.” – St. Vincent de Paul – When decision-making is particularly difficult today, Lord, I will take a few moments to seek your counsel.