Quote of the Day – April 6

We are like the servants of the centurion in the gospel with regard to bishops, insofar as when they say to us: go, we are obliged to go; if they say: come, we are obliged to come; do that, and we are obliged to do it (I:297).

Daily Reflection – April 6

“Condescension in evil or dangerous matters is not a virtue; it is a weakness and a disorder.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Be present, Lord, when my desire to be thought well of tempts me to take the easy way out and not challenge what I know is a...

Quote of the Day – April 5

Do not be afraid of undertaking too much of what you can do without coming and going; but fear only the thought of doing more than you are doing and more than God is giving you the means to do (I:290).

Daily Reflection – April 5

“Your steadiness of conduct will never injure you, even in the minds of those who act differently from you, for all will respect and esteem you more for persevering in what you know to be your duty.” – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Help me, Lord,...

Daily Reflection – April 4

“In order to acquire a solid habit of any virtue, it is necessary to form good resolutions on the particular acts of this virtue and be faithful in executing them.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, only you can give me the courage to change the...