Daily Reflection – May 1

“Begin again today; what is lost must not cause dejection; what is gained will be lost if you do not begin afresh as if nothing had been done.” – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Heavenly Father, I am grateful for this new day. Nothing can bring back...

Quote of the Day – May 1

Most willingly do I pray Our Lord to give His holy blessing to our dear Sisters and to grant them a share in the spirit He gave to the holy women who accompanied and cooperated with Him in assisting the sick poor and instructing children (I:503).

Daily Reflection – April 30

“We should watch over the interests of others as well as do our own, and be careful to act on every occasion with uprightness and fidelity.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Today, I will be careful to treat others as I myself want to be treated. Be...

Quote of the Day – April 30

This moderate care for our health does not preclude the obligation we have of generously risking our lives when the salvation of our neighbor is concerned (I:491).