Daily Reflection

“The poor person, the patient, must be conscious that he is acknowledged as an individual, that he is respected, loved, treated on an equal footing and capable of giving as much as he receives.” – Rev. Joseph Jamet, C.M. – O Lord, let me be...

Quote of the Day

Everyone loves simple, candid people who do not use subtleties or tricks, who are straightforward and speak sincerely, with the result that whatever they say comes from their heart (XII:142).

Daily Reflection

“Love is inventive to infinity.” (CCD 11:131) – St. Vincent de Paul – Inventiveness takes a lot of energy and prayer. It is much safer to rely on the ‘tried and true’ than to risk failure in order to come up with ideas never thought...

Quote of the Day

True religion is found among the poor. God enriches them with a lively faith: they believe, they touch, they taste the words of life (XII:142).