Daily Reflection – June 3

“When the Spirit of God dwells in souls, he delivers them from that weakness which makes them ask, ‘What will people say?'” – St. Louise de Marillac – Deliver me, Lord, from being overly concerned about the opinions of others when the...

Daily Reflection – June 2

“Charity is like a flame which soars aloft. When present in a soul, charity raises it aloft to God and draws God to it in such a way that if you could see the beauty of it, you would fall in love with it and be transported with astonishment.” – St....

Daily Reflection – June 1

“The best ingredients of happiness are: order, peace and solitude.” – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Sometimes I look for happiness in the wrong places, Lord. Today I will think of ways to provide time for the solitude I need to recharge my...