Daily Reflection – June 10

“Every good action is a grain of seed for eternal life.” – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Time seems to fly by these days and now I am painfully aware of the missed opportunities for good I could have done. Help me to be less concerned about...

Quote of the Day – June 10

It is a maxim of ours to work in the service of the people, with the good pleasure of the pastors, and never to act contrary to their wishes (II:226).

Quote of the Day – June 9

In order to become soundly virtuous it is advisable to make good practical resolution concerning particular acts of the virtues and to be faithful in carrying them out afterward. Without doing that, one is often virtuous only in one’s imagination (II:217).

Daily Reflection – June 9

“Allow yourself to be led by His fatherly love, for He does love us and is far from rejecting a righteous man; He will not even abandon a wicked man who hopes in His mercy.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Heavenly Father, the only thing I can be sure...

Quote of the Day – June 8

Take care of your poor life. Be content with consuming it little by little for Divine Love. It is not your own; it belongs to the Author of Life, for love of whom you must preserve it until He asks it of you (II:211).