Daily Reflection

Punctuality is an essential point to observe in the accomplishment of your duties. (CCD 12:408, 415, 435) – St. Vincent de Paul – Even if being on time is not a value to me, it is important to observe because the time of others is as important as mine is...

Quote of the Day

Doing good is not everything; we have to do it well, after the example of Our Lord (XII:148).

Daily Reflection

“Faith lifts the soul, hope supports it, experience says it must, and love says let it be.” (CW 2:117) – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Life is a precious gift from you, Lord. Help me to celebrate it and be grateful for your many...

Quote of the Day

Make good use of prudence; we have to form our judgment on Christian teaching of which we are always sure (XII:147).

Daily Reflection

“You should be strictly conscientious in the preparation of the medicines you handle.” (CCD 10:539-540) – St. Vincent de Paul Whether I am responsible for preparation of medicines or not, teach me Lord to respect my own body by taking medication...