Daily Reflection – July 25

“Evenness of temper is a particular virtue, a state which supposes an aggregate of all the virtues, an external manifestation of the peace and beauty of the interior.” – St. Vincent de Paul – How many occasions for petty aggravation come up...

Daily Reflection – July 24

“…Our vocation is to set the hearts of men on fire, to do what the Son of God did, who came to set the world on fire…” – St. Vincent de Paul – Inspire me with enthusiasm for your work, Lord, that others may be drawn closer to You by...

Daily Reflection – July 23

“The virtue of gratitude will prepare our hearts to receive the graces we need to serve the sick and poor with meekness and compassion.” – St. Louise de Marillac – Lord, I am humbled by the many ways you continually bless me and the great...