Daily Reflection – August 4

“Our Lord, eternal and infinite, is the splendor of glory, the fountainhead and source of all grace and beauty.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, I will be content to rest in the shelter of your wings and sing your praises!

Quote of the Day – August 4

What price there would be if, under the guise of deference and humility, we were to abandon the honor of God so as not to risk our own (III:44).

Quote of the Day – August 3

Let us not be so little attached to God’s service that we yield to a useless fear which may cause us to abandon the task He has given us (III:44).

Daily Reflection – August 3

“Let us labor together at God’s work with great meekness and humility; these are solid virtues.” – St. Louise de Marillac – Contrary to what we may think, it takes a lot of strength to act with calm gentleness in the face of adversity....