Daily Reflection – September 28

“Bitter thoughts come from the evil spirit; those from Our Lord are gentle and mild.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, it is so easy to yield to anger and impatience when things are stressful. Calm my quick temper when things don’t go my...

Daily Reflection – September 27

“When God takes from us the power to labor, we should receive the trial courageously, letting it serve to elevate us above the things of earth and remembering that Our Lord, having permitted us to work for our neighbor, now wishes us to prepare for...

Quote of the Day – September 27

We should take as a maxim never to be surprised at current difficulties, no more than at a passing breeze, because with a little patience we shall see them disappear. Time changes everything (III:382).

Quote of the Day – September 26

May He who has set you apart to instruct His people in salvation maintain your flock in doing good and preserve your Church without stain or wrinkle under your guidance (III:377).