Daily Reflection – February 18

“The poor person, the patient, must be conscious that he is acknowledged as an individual, that he is respected, loved, treated on an equal footing and capable of giving as much as he receives.” – Rev. Joseph Jamet, C.M. – O Lord, let me be...

Quote of the Day – February 17

It is a maxim of the saints that, when, after much prayer and consultation, action has been taken in an important matter involving the glory of God and the welfare of the Church, it must be believed that it is God’s will that this be done (V:316).

Daily Reflection – February 17

“Love is inventive, even to infinity.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Inventiveness takes a lot of energy and prayer. It is much safer to rely on the ‘tried and true’ than to risk failure in order to come up with ideas never thought of...

Daily Reflection – February 16

“Every day we must direct our actions anew towards God and make them pass from the demands of nature to the call of grace.” – Mother Suzanne Guillemin, D.C. – Lord, as I begin this brand new day, help me to think less of my own selfish desires...