Quote of the Day – March 20

Begin with something small and have great love for your own abjection. This is the spirit of Our Lord and that is how he acted and that is also the means of attracting his graces (V:485).

Daily Reflection – March 19

“When we are satisfied that we have done everything in our power for the happy issue of any affair, we should preserve our tranquility and peace, whatever may be the result.” – St. Vincent de Paul – How hard it is for me to remain at peace when...

Quote of the Day – March 18

You must act in such a way that you are also prompted to trust even more in God, for His grace is sufficient to help you overcome the assaults of rebellious nature (V:473).

Daily Reflection – March 18

“Am I in full Charity with all?” – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Today, I will examine my relationships in your presence, Lord, and see if my love for others is truly ‘full’, or if there are areas in need of...