Daily Reflection – March 25

“I see nothing more common than poor results from things done with precipitation.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Heavenly Father, slow me down and calm my steps when impatience to succeed causes me to look for quick and easy...

Daily Reflection – March 24

“He is with me and what can I fear? I look neither behind nor before, only up.” – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Lord, with you at my side, fear has no place in my life. Increase my faith in you.

Quote of the Day – March 24

I praise God for the zeal with which your workers are laboring and for the other graces He bestows on them and, through them, on the people. I ask His Infinite Goodness to grant them the strength of body and mind needed for such an important and arduous ministry as...

Quote of the Day – March 23

When a person is determined to give himself to God without reserve, temporal interests must accommodate themselves to this plan (V:490).

Daily Reflection – March 23

“You must not be surprised or frightened by one bad year or by several. God is infinitely rich. Until now, nothing has been wanting to you, why fear for the future?” – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, when I reflect on all you have done for me in...