Quote of the Day – April 1

The older I get the more convinced I am [of my unworthiness to be a priest] because day by day I discover how far removed I am from the state of perfection in which I should be living (V:569).

Daily Reflection – April 1

“Your health is a gift of God; use it therefore with pleasure and joy for this life in the service of the poor.” – St. Louise de Marillac – Lord, how precious is the gift of health and the strength it provides me to do my work. I praise you for...

Quote of the Day – March 31

If I had known what it was when I had the temerity to enter it [the priesthood]— I would have preferred to till the soil than to commit myself to such a formidable state of life (V:569).

Daily Reflection – March 31

“We must redouble our efforts and our ordinary duties on certain occasions when the service of God requires it; then, God will not fail to increase also our strength and our courage.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, when your service requires...

Quote of the Day – March 30

How blessed are those who give themselves to God in this way to do what Jesus Christ did and to practice, after His example, the virtues he practiced: poverty, obedience, humility, patience, zeal, and the other virtues (V:554).