Daily Reflection – April 6

“Condescension in evil or dangerous matters is not a virtue; it is a weakness and a disorder.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Be present, Lord, when my desire to be thought well of tempts me to take the easy way out and not challenge what I know is a...

Quote of the Day – April 5

We should consider that everything done for God is important, convinced that there are no insignificant duties in His house and that the least of them, when entrusted to us, honor us too greatly (V:626).

Daily Reflection – April 5

“Your steadiness of conduct will never injure you, even in the minds of those who act differently from you, for all will respect and esteem you more for persevering in what you know to be your duty.” – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Help me, Lord,...

Quote of the Day – April 4

God’s inspirations are gentle, attractive, and almost imperceptible, whereas the movements of nature and the suggestions of the devil upset and torment the soul by their violence (V:613).