Quote of the Day – May 19

God be blessed for having willing all earthly things to be uncertain and perishable so that we may seek in Him alone the stability of our plans and affairs because things then turn out well for us (VI:439).

Quote of the Day – May 18

It seems to me that Our Lord is causing you and the acts of patience and conformity to His Will you practice to be regarded with joy by His heavenly court (VI:428).

Daily Reflection – May 18

“Gently and imperceptibly, the angels inspire us to do good and then leave us perfectly free to do it or not.” – St. Vincent de Paul – I am grateful, Lord, for those countless promptings to do good which come my way and the loving protection of...

Daily Reflection – May 17

“We must learn the hard lesson of submission; and once this has been accomplished, everything that comes after will be rendered easy.” – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Why do I find it so hard to completely turn my life over to you, Lord? Drive away...