Daily Reflection – July 22

“No matter what others say or do, even if the wicked succeed, do not be troubled: commit everything to God and put your trust in him.” – St. Vincent de Paul – If I place my trust in you, Lord, I will not be concerned about what others think or...

Quote of the Day – July 22

How consoled you will be at the hour of death for having consumed your life for the same reason for which Jesus Christ gave His life– for charity, for God, for the poor (VII:397).

Quote of the Day – July 21

It is not men who make things go well, but God, who sometimes allows them to go differently than the way we would like so as to make us realize that we can do nothing about them or to try our patience (VII:389).

Daily Reflection – July 21

“You know how unwilling we are to deny ourselves, how unwilling to be reproved and contradicted, how a trifling thing will make us sad, how we delight to be commended while, with a sort of natural cruelty we see blame and faults in others which we are scarcely...