Daily Reflection – September 12

“Religion does not limit the powers of the affections, for our Blessed Savior sanctifies and approves in us all the endearing ties and connections of our existence. Religion alone can bind the cord over which neither circumstances, time, nor death have any...

Quote of the Day – September 12

One thing to which you should pay close attention is to destroy that evil spirit of drinking, which is a source of disorder among the clergy. To do so, you must strive to make them interior, prayerful persons, who will prefer to converse with God rather than to seek...

Daily Reflection – September 11

“Is it to be expected that all the world approve our every proceeding and we never have occasion to find fault with the deportment of others? In that case, God would have to change human nature.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Heavenly Father, help me...

Quote of the Day – September 10

May God be pleased to grant all of them the grace to go from good to better, and to grant the whole Company the grace to grow in numbers and virtue (VIII:159).