Quote of the Day – March 5

The art of loving God is to love Him; likewise, the art of acquiring humility is to humble ourselves, and more we advance in this practice, the more we will resemble our Lord (XIIIb:341).

Daily Reflection – March 5

“Overcome your timidity and go out boldly into the slums and visit those unknown to you who have never come near your parish church.” – Bl. Frederic Ozanam – What is my attitude toward the homeless, the derelict, the abused or the AIDS...

Quote of the Day – March 4

Who could understand the height, the depth, the sublimity of the grace by which God renders a soul worthy of being used where and as He wishes? (XIIIb:340).

Daily Reflection – March 4

“God wishes you to attend to your patients’ spiritual necessities as well as their physical needs.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Sickness is a very vulnerable time in anyone’s life. Heavenly Father, keep me aware that you are at work in...

Quote of the Day – March 3

As we empty ourselves of self and of the desire to be noticed, esteemed, and respected, God will fill our souls with graces and blessings, given to each according to the degree of perfection He demands (XIIIb:337).