Daily Reflection – March 8

“Charity opens the heart and triggers dialogue so much desired by the Church. It unveils to the poor man, the true image of God.” – Rev. Joseph Jamet, C.M. – Lord, keep me mindful that few problems will not respond to dialogue undertaken with...

Quote of the Day – March 7

God be praised for granting you the grace of clothing Our Lord in His poor members, most of whom had nothing but rags to cover them and several children were as naked as the back of my hand (XIIIb:428).

Daily Reflection – March 7

“Always, the hand of God is outstretched for those who wish to clasp it.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, what would I ever do without your support? Take my hand and lead me because so often I don’t know where to go or what to...

Daily Reflection – March 6

“It is an obligation for us to inconvenience ourselves for the service of the poor.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, teach me patience in the face of obstacles I sometimes meet as I perform my daily work. Help me to do this work even when it is...