Daily Reflection – March 21

“Duplicity is not pleasing to God and to be truly simple we should propose to ourselves no other end but to please God alone.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Heavenly Father, I ask for a conscience that is sensitive to all the nuances of honesty and...

Quote of the Day – March 20

I pray that His Divine Goodness may accompany you, be your consolation along the way, your shade against the heat of the sun, your shelter in rain and cold, your soft bed in your weariness, your strength in your toil and finally, that He may bring you back in perfect...

Daily Reflection – March 20

“If our abode is on Calvary, let us be assured that Jesus crucified is pleased to see us there.” – St. Louise de Marillac – Lord, when I reflect on how much you were wiling to give to redeem me, the sufferings I have to endure seem so very...

Daily Reflection – March 19

“When we are satisfied that we have done everything in our power for the happy issue of any affair, we should preserve our tranquility and peace, whatever may be the result.” – St. Vincent de Paul – How hard it is for me to remain at peace when...