Daily Reflection – September 20

“Let us serve God as he wishes, leaving to him the disposal of all.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Today, Lord, I will be decisive and do something I’ve been putting off, leaving the outcome to you.

Daily Reflection – September 19

“We must know how to wait with patience and to expect more from God than from men.” – St. Vincent de Paul – O God, your love for me is constant and true. Help me to be most fully the person you want me to be. I believe you will grant what I ask...

Quote of the Day – September 18

We owe obedience to the bishops in all things pertaining to our work in the missions, with ordinands, etc, but the spiritual and internal direction belongs to the Superior General (III:153).

Daily Reflection – September 18

“The greater my unworthiness, the more abundant is His mercy.” (CW 2:41) – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Heavenly Father, in spite of my great unworthiness you constantly favor me with your mercy. How can I ever thank you for so much...