Daily Reflection – December 4

“Raise your soul to God and listen to what He will tell you on the subject.” (CCD 7:623) – St. Vincent de Paul – When decision-making is particularly difficult today, Lord, I will take a few moments to seek your counsel.

Daily Reflection – December 3

“If the love of God is a fire, zeal is its flame; if love is a sun, zeal is its ray.” (CCD 12:250) – St. Vincent de Paul – O God, may the work of my hands be done with enthusiasm as well as efficiency. Help me give all my work today that extra...

Daily Reflection – December 2

“The world sometimes censures us for not conforming to certain of its requirements; but it is edified when it discovers that we are influenced by principles of virtue, whilst it justly condemns those who are gained over by its false applause.” (SW: 538)...