Daily Reflection

“The more you give to our Lord, the more blessings you will receive. His yoke is sweet to him who embraces it willingly.” (CCD 7:203) – St. Vincent de Paul – Today, Lord, in thanksgiving for your many blessings, I will find a little time to...

Quote of the Day

Remember, we live in Jesus Christ through the death of Jesus Christ, and we must die in Jesus Christ through the life of Jesus Christ, and our life must be hidden in Jesus Christ and filled with Jesus Christ, and in order to die as Jesus Christ, we must live in Jesus...

Daily Reflection

“Do not burden yourself with rules and practices; strengthen yourself to fulfill well those you have, especially as regards your daily actions and employments; in short, let your greatest concern be to do well what you do.” (CCD 1:375-6) – St....

Quote of the Day

Must not a priest die of shame for claiming a reputation in the service he gives God and for dying in his bed, when he sees Jesus Christ rewarded for his work by disgrace and the gibbet (I:276).

Daily Reflection

“If only we have courage, we will go to heaven on horseback instead of idling and creeping along.” (CW 2:156) – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – I will pray today for fortitude, that wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit, which will enable me to overcome...