Quote of the Day – December 26

We should help and support one another and strive for peace and union among ourselves. This is the wine that cheers and strengthens travelers along this narrow path of Jesus Christ (IV:265).

Daily Reflection – December 26

“Though our service be rejected, let us believe that whatever happens is for the best. Do we not know that God draws his own glory from contempt?” (SW:290) – St. Louise de Marillac – Rejection is never easy to accept; especially when it comes...

Daily Reflection – December 25

“The joy of Christmas is not a joy made up of childhood memories, of Christian customs piously retained; it is a profound and ever new joy, a joy of today.” – Reverend Joseph Jamet, CM – Lord, Jesus, can I ever thank you enough for the...

Quote of the Day – December 24

I ask God to give you a twofold share of His Spirit: the first share to unite you to Him, to act in His holy presence and for love of Him; and the other, for the guidance of the souls entrusted to you (IV:220).