Daily Reflection – March 1

“To commit ourselves to Him for strength and refuge is the only relief from thoughts which would overpower the mind that did not resist them.” (CW 1:129) – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Lord, teach me how to let go and trust you, so my faith can...

Quote of the Day – March 1

You have enough to put up with from outsiders and from your duties without creating new trials within the community. These are the most distressing ones and would make of your house a little purgatory, whereas love will make of it a little paradise (V:169).

Quote of the Day – February 28

The duty of daughters of Our Lord who live and serve Him together and have only one same intention of making themselves pleasing in the eyes of God, is to cherish, help, and bear with one another while showing mutual respect (V:169).

Daily Reflection – February 28

“Have foresight when tending your patients; anticipate their needs.” (CCD 13b:126, 198) – St. Vincent de Paul – Whether or not my work directly involves the sick, I know, Lord, the only way to anticipate the needs of others is to put myself in...

Quote of the Day – February 27

You are Daughters of Charity, but you would no longer be so if you lived amid misunderstanding, aversion, or mistrust of one another. God grant that this may not be the case among you (V:169).