Daily Reflection – March 5

“Overcome your timidity and go out boldly into the slums and visit those unknown to you who have never come near your parish church.” – Bl. Frederic Ozanam – What is my attitude toward the homeless, the derelict, the abused or the AIDS...

Daily Reflection – March 4

“God wishes you to attend to your patients’ spiritual necessities as well as their physical needs.” (CCD X:538) – St. Vincent de Paul – Sickness is a very vulnerable time in anyone’s life. Heavenly Father, keep me aware that you are...

Quote of the Day – March 4

Act like those good pilots who, finding themselves tossed about by the storm, redouble their courage and turn the prow of their ships against the most furious waves of the sea, which seem to rise to engulf them (V:211).

Daily Reflection – March 3

“God makes the interests of the afflicted his own.” (SW:668) – St. Louise de Marillac “The Lord is close to the broken-hearted; and those who are crushed in spirit He saves.” Psalm 34:18