Quote of the Day – March 19

Let us give ourselves to God as best we can, expecting only trials and sufferings from our own men, with perfect assurance that they will not be lacking to us if we are faithful to seeing that the Rules and holy customs of our vocation are observed (V:324).

Daily Reflection – March 18

“Am I in full Charity with all?” (CW 2:588) – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Today, I will examine my relationships in your presence, Lord, and see if my love for others is truly ‘full’, or if there are areas in need of...

Quote of the Day – March 18

Consider before God whether the aversions some persons have toward the vows do not spring from human nature, which is always seeking freedom (V:321).

Daily Reflection – March 17

“The perfection of prayer, as well as an interior perfection, does not consist in prayer of more or less sublimity, but in Charity.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, sometimes I am more caught up in the feelings I experience in prayer than in its...

Quote of the Day – March 17

As far as poverty is concerned the Church instructs that, after using what they need for food and clothing, they should give the surplus to the poor (V:320).